Co-Investigator, University of the West of England

Kiron Chatterjee
My first proper bike – and best ever birthday present – when I was ten was a cyan Raleigh racer and I stuck with racing bikes after that, even when more trendy kids turned to Choppers, Grifters and BMX bikes.
Secondary school was just beyond a tolerable walking distance and cycling become my daily means of getting around, as well as allowing adventures into the Sussex countryside. It also got me a saturday job attempting to fix bikes for a well known motor accessory retailer.
Perhaps my most exhilarating cycling experience is the steep ascent and descent over clear blue water when crossing the bridge from mainland France to the Ile de Re.
Apart from a brief lapse after passing my driving test when I had my own car for a few years, I’ve stuck with cycling as my main means of getting around. In Bristol it is the obvious solution. It also means I have enough legs to keep up with the younger guys when I am playing football.
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